The Sovereignty Coalition is an informal and non-partisan group of leaders, organizations and patriotic individuals dedicated to protecting the sovereignty of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Its purpose is to expose, oppose and expunge foreign entities and agreements that threaten the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.
The World Health Organization and the United Nations have recently adopted two treaties with the strong, if largely unacknowledged, support of the Biden administration – which intends to impose them on the American people without the consideration or approval of the U.S. Senate.
Both treaties confer emergency powers intended to morph their respective organizations into instruments of world government.
Therefore, by design, these accords, among other things, infringe upon the sovereignty of the United States and other member nations and whatever liberties their people enjoy.
They do so by establishing supranational surveillance, monitoring and regulatory arrangements that are utterly incompatible with the role and authorities of nation states dating back to Westphalia and, in our case, the Constitution.
Such power grabs are especially unacceptable in light of the appalling performance of the World Health Organization in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. By some estimates, one million Americans and countless others elsewhere around the world died needlessly because of the WHO Director General’s malfeasant prescriptions for dealing with the disease.
During his first administration, President Trump responded to such misconduct by ordering the United States’ withdrawal from the WHO. President Biden, however, upon taking office, countermanded that directive, increased funding for and otherwise enabled the globalists’ bid to give Tedros Gherebresus the authority to declare “public health emergencies of international concern” and dictate what must be done about them.
During his 2024 reelection campaign, Mr. Trump made clear that he continues to oppose the World Health Organization’s ambitions and those of the United Nations, which in September granted similar authorities to its Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres pursuant to a so-called “Pact for the Future.”
The Sovereignty Coalition team’s efforts – including four Sovereignty Summits, several widely subscribed Align Act campaigns, numerous X Spaces, webinars, interviews, articles and commentaries and a series of congressional press conferences – have helped encourage 49 U.S. Senators to oppose such affronts to our Constitution. They have also enlisted 22 state attorneys general and 26 governors to do the same.
The Coalition expects to work closely with those in government determined to preserve America’s sovereignty by rejecting the Biden-backed treaties amending the WHO’s International Health Regulations and the UN’s Pact for the Future and – their imposition worldwide of unacceptable and unconstitutional digital IDs and censorship arrangements notwithstanding – preserving our freedoms.
The Institute for the American Future strongly endorses the work of the Sovereignty Coalition and looks forward to helping in its translation into policy impact.