Since at least September 11, 2001, the United States has been on notice that, like Israel, many European nations and others around the Free World, Muslims who seek to impose globally Islam’s operating code, Sharia, consider us to be their enemy.
While not all Muslims adhere to Sharia – let alone feel called by their god, Allah, to engage in jihad (holy war) to assure its triumph worldwide – the authorities of the faith and many millions of others do.
Therefore, defeating such Sharia-supremacists must be an objective Americans share and collaborate to accomplish with those similarly threatened. That is most especially true of Israel which at the moment is fighting on nine different fronts, primarily against Islamists who seek her destruction, as well as ours.
To that end, an informal working group called the Victory Coalition that was initially established in the wake of the 9/11 attacks has been reconstituted. The Coalition’s mission will be to focus on the need for victory over those determined to impose Sharia, whether by violent jihad or the stealthy, subversive kind, on Americans here at home and on their friends and allies in the Middle East and beyond.
Of particular and immediate concern is the plight of Israel, which is squarely in the cross-hairs of the Sharia-supremacists’ assault on Judeo-Christian civilization. Amidst the multi-front war unleashed on the Jewish State on October 7, 2023, Israelis face a particularly fraught time due to rapidly unfolding dynamics in Syria, Egypt, Turkey, perhaps Jordan and other parts of the Mideast. Especially ominous is the prospect of yet another attack at any moment from Israel’s most dangerous foe: a possibly nuclear-armed Iran.
All this is occurring at a moment when the United States is experiencing a difficult political transition.
The good news is that, under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership, Israel has made clear its commitment to victory – a determination strongly supported by the new Victory Coalition. The bad news is that the Biden-Harris administration has insistently used its power and leverage to undermine Israel and deny it the decisive defeat of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and their masters in Tehran that is the only acceptable outcome.
While the re-election of Donald Trump portends a dramatic change in U.S. policies towards the region, the lame duck Biden-Harris administration is clearly set on using its remaining days in office to redouble what can only be described as a relentless undermining of Israel, her democratically elected government and her position strategically, diplomatically and economically.
Therefore, the Victory Coalition has as its first order of business drawing upon and complementing the work of numerous Jewish, Christian and secular organizations committed to Israel’s survival with a view to offering expertise, leadership skills and other resources needed to mount an effective opposition to the intensifying sabotage of Israel that continues to be perpetrated by the outgoing American administration.
To this end, the Coalition seeks promptly to mount as effective a resistance as possible by drawing on the talents of experienced national security and foreign policy practitioners, Mideast subject matter experts, religious leaders, human rights activists and others convicted that Israel is America’s most important regional ally and that the Jewish State’s survival and victory over her enemies – and ours – is in the vital interest of the United States.
The Victory Coalition’s immediate priority is to enable Israel to win by a) impactfully making the case for accepting no substitute via social media, earned media, public education and agitation and b) by enlisting the incoming administration’s support for the following:
- An immediate end to the Biden-Harris administration’s cut-off of Israel’s access to resupply of vitally needed offensive weapons
- Help in restoring Israel’s indigenous national defense manufacturing capabilities
- The cessation of U.S. government subsidies, humanitarian assistance, sanctions relief and/or other life-support to Israel’s enemies, including: Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah and Iran
- The use of U.S. vetoes, funding restrictions and other influence to prevent the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and Court of Justice, the World Health Organization and other multilateral organizations from imperiling or otherwise harming Israel
- The formal rejection of Palestinian statehood and the so-called “Two-State Solution”
The Victory Coalition recognizes, moreover, that Israel’s victory over the Sharia-supremacists is but a necessary first-step in defeating the larger threat posed by jihadists in this country and elsewhere outside the Holy Land and larger Middle East. Consequently, the Coalition will be mobilizing the intellectual, leadership and other resources necessary to secure the American homeland and those of friends and allies determined to defeat our destruction at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, its offshoots and enablers (i.e., Turkey and Qatar) and their Shiite counterparts sponsored by Iran.
The Institute for the American Future shares the Victory Coalition’s conviction that there is no substitute for victory over those seeking the adherents to Sharia set on the destruction of Israel and, inevitably – later, if not sooner – that of the United States. IAF looks forward to encouraging unstinting American support for Israel and others in this fight and seeks to bring to bear the resources to help the Victory Coalition accomplish its goals forthwith.